Suzuki Avenis 125 was launched in India in November 2021 and is priced at Rs 92,000, ex-showroom, Delhi. This system helps to detect faults and failures in the vehicle system by illuminating lights on the instrument console. On the other hand, the new Avensis 125 is E20 fuel compliant, which means the engine can run on petrol with up to 20 percent ethanol blending.
Engine and Hardware
The mechanical specification is powered by a 124.3cc, single-cylinder, air-cooled motor that delivers power of 8.5bhp at 6,750rpm and peak torque of 10Nm at 5,500rpm. The kerb weight of this scooter is 106kg and has fuel tank capacity is 5.2liters.
In terms of hardware a telescope forks at the front and a mono-shock at the rear. It has a 90/90 section 12-inch tire at the front and a 90/100 section 10-inch tire at the rear. The braking duties are handled by a disc brake at the front and a drum brake at the rear, whereas a combined braking system is standard.
It scooter comes with several features such as a front box with a USB charger socket, a side stand interlock, a dual luggage hook, and an integrated engine start-stop switch. Other features included a digital clock, digital instrument cluster, under-seat storage, front storage box, and External Hinge type fuel cap.
The Suzuki Avenis 125 is available in five colors - Pearl Mirage White, Metallic Sonic Silver, Metallic Matte Black, Metallic Matte Fibroin Grey, and Pearl Blaze Orange.
This scooter is available in 2 variants - Avenis 125 Standard and Avenis 125 Race Edition. The price starts from Rs 92,000 on the ex-showroom, Delhi.
The Suzuki Avenis 125 Scooter competes with the TVS Ntorq 125, Hero Maestro Edge 125, Honda Grazia, and Yamaha Ray ZR.
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Suzuki Avenis 125 was launched in India in November 2021 and is priced at Rs 92,000, ex-showroom, Delhi. This system helps to detect faults and failures in the vehicle system by illuminating lights on the instrument console. On the other hand, the new Avensis 125 is E20 fuel compliant, which means the engine can run on petrol with up to 20 percent ethanol blending.
Engine and Hardware
The mechanical specification is powered by a 124.3cc, single-cylinder, air-cooled motor that delivers power of 8.5bhp at 6,750rpm and peak torque of 10Nm at 5,500rpm. The kerb weight of this Read More