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types of driving license

Driving a vehicle in India necessitates possessing a piece of documentation that is both critical and vital – the Driver’s License. In addition, there are some other documents, such as a vehicle registration certificate, vehicle insurance, fitness certificate, and PUC certificate, that you must carry while driving. 

You can be an expert or an amateur driver, but if you don’t have a driver’s license, you can’t operate your car on the road. This post will discuss the various types of driving licenses available in India. You can learn to drive any vehicle, but you cannot legally use it on the road unless you have a license. The RTO in India offers the following categories of licenses.

Types of Driving Licenses in India

1. Learner’s License

A driving license is one of the most important documents required to drive a bike. The Road Transport Authority issues you a learner’s license before you receive your permanent license. The validity period is only six months, which means you must perfect your driving skills within that time frame.

Even when a child takes their first steps, we do not leave them alone. We keep an eye on each step and educate them on balancing their bodies. Similarly, a learner driver should not be left alone to drive. An experienced driver should always accompany them.

2. Permanent License

When the 6-month waiting period expires, the RTO awards the applicant a permanent license. The applicant must be 18 years old and have passed the driving test. Because the application is made online, the entire process is simple and easy. A permanent license is required for private vehicles such as cars and new bikes. Issuing a permanent driver’s license indicates that the RTO is confident in the applicant’s driving abilities.

When we discover that the infant can walk alone, we leave him to explore the world. Until then, we take extreme precautions to avoid any damage.

3. Commercial Driver’s License

This license allows the driver to operate heavy machinery. This type of vehicle transports passengers or commercial products. The minimal eligibility conditions for applying for a commercial driver’s license range slightly. In this case, the candidate must have passed the eighth-grade examination. Commercial vehicle drivers bear a much heavier burden because they are responsible for their safety but also the safety of others.

4. International Driver’s License

When a person searches for an international driving license, they are eligible to rent and drive any vehicle in a foreign country. It can, however, only be issued if you already hold a valid driver’s license. Unlike your driver’s license, the IDP is only valid for one year. And upon expiration, one would have to reapply.

Driving Licence Types and Vehicle Classes In India

Here’s a quick rundown of India’s driving license classifications and vehicle classes.

MC 50cc Vehicles with an engine capacity of 50cc or less.
LMV-NT Vehicles such as jeeps and automobiles are classified as Light Motor Vehicles; however, they are not used for transportation.
FVG Vehicles having no gears, such as scooters and mopeds, come into this category.
MC EX50cc Motorcycles with gears and an engine capacity of 50CC or greater.
MCWG Motorcycles, both with and without gear, fall into this group.
HGMV HGMV vehicles include trailers, heavier trucks, and other similar vehicles used for goods transportation.
HPMV HPMV vehicles are used for commercial purposes and have an All India Permit to transport passengers.

Driving has become an integral aspect of our daily lives. Some people drive to work and do their daily tasks, while others drive as part of their employment. Whatever the cause, anybody who wishes to use a vehicle on the road must have a license according to the vehicle’s class.

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